Nederlands Engels
Introductions 2017

Clematis ISABELLA ’Zo12220’PBRaf & PPaf (Patens Group)
Selected for its very free flowering habit in spring with large flowers in different tints of pink in one flower. Very free flowering as pot plant too. Main flowering period is May & June with a second flush of flowers in summer.
A hardy climber with stems up to 2 m long but shorter when pot grown. Leaf is ternate and normal green. Flowers are 8-12 cm across, upright facing with spreading tepals. The spring flowers have 6-8 tepals, the summer flowers have 6 tepals. Main colour is pink in different tints in one flower with a nice contrast with the dark red stamens.
Light pruning after spring flowering. Zone 6.
Clematis ISABELLA is raised, grown and propagated by J. van Zoest B.V. and introduced at Plantarium 2017.
EU PBR & USA PP will be applied for.


Clematis MYOSOTIS ’Zo08159’PBRaf & PPaf (Patens Group)
Selected for its very free flowering habitus in spring with large, violet-blue flowers. Very free flowering too as a pot plant. Main flowering period is in May & June with a second flowering period in summer.
A winter hardy climber with stems up to 2 meters long but much shorter when pot grown. Leaf is ternate and dark green of colour. Flowers 8-12 cm across, upright and spreading. The spring flowers have 8 tepals, the summer flowers have 6 tepals. The tepals are distinctly curled at opening of the flowers. The colour is violet-blue with a nice contrast with the dark red stamens.
Light pruning after spring flowering. Zone 6.
Clematis MYOSOTIS is raised, grown and propagated by J. van Zoest B.V. and introduced at Plantarium 2017.
EU PBR & USA PP will be applied for.


Clematis PERNILLE ’Zo09113’PBRaf & PP  (Viticella Group)
Selected for its very free flowering habitus in beautiful purple colours with white in one flower. Flowering time if from June into September.
A hardy climber with stems up to 2-3 m long. Leaf pinnate and normal green. Flower more or less upright to a bit nodding, 6-9 cm across, spreading and white with purple margin and veins.
Flowering time from June into September on young shoots. Pruning in March at 25 cm above soil level. Zone 6.
Clematis PERNILLE is raised, grown and propagated by J. van Zoest B.V. and since 2017 available from our own nursery.
EU PBR applied for nr 20150879 and USA PP nr 27,172.


Clematis PRINCE WILLIAM®™ ’Zo08171’PBRaf & PPaf (Texensis Group)
Selected for its remarcable and unique colour combination for a cultivar in the Texensis Group and it free flowering habitus in summer.
A hardy climber with stems up to 3 m long. Leaf is pinnate and normal green of colour. The flower is 4-6 cm across and 4-5 cm long. The tepals are violet with a bit purple on the inside, on the outside dark red-purple with a violet margin. The flower has a tulip-shape but a little more spreading later. Flowering time from June into September. Hard pruning to 25 cm above soil level in March. Zone 6.
Clematis PRINCE WILLIAM is raised, grown and propagated by J. van ZoesT B.V. and introduced at Plantarium 2017.
The name is a registered trademark, holder is J. van Zoest. B.V. EU PBR & USA PP applied for.


IMPORTANT: The Clematis cultivars shown on this website are in commercial production by J. van Zoest B.V. The names, pictures and descriptions of the cultivars are listed solely for the purpose of information. The pictures are subject of copyrights, owned by J. van Zoest B.V. The cultivars introduced by J. van Zoest B.V. are protected by Plant Breeders Right or Plant Patent or applications are filed for this protection. Without the explicit permission of the holder (J. van Zoest Beheer B.V.) it is not allowed to propagated and/or multiplicate these cultivars and/or to trade as cutflower.