Clematis ASTRA NOVA ‘Zo09085’PBRaf & PPaf
(Viticella Group)
A hardy climber with stems up to 2.5 m long but shorter when pot grown. Leaves pinnate and normal green. Flowers 6-8 cm across, upright and spreading, violet-purple with white stripe and semi-double. Flowering time from June into September on young shoots. Pruning in March at 25 cm above soil level.
Raised by crossbreeding by J. van Zoest B.V. in 2006, selected from the seedlings in 2009 and introduced at Plantarium 2014 with the tradename ASTRA NOVA.
Growing, trading and sale as a cut flower is only permitted under a contract. European Plant Breeders Right will be applied for, PBR will be applied for in Japan and USA PP will be applied for. Nomenclatural Standard in NHN Leiden (L).

Clematis BLUE OCEAN 'Zo09045'PBRaf & PPaf
(Diversifolia Group)
A hardy sub-climber with stems to 1 m long. Stems dark violet of colour. Leaf simple to sub-ternate, dark green and lanceolate in shape. Flower more or less upright, 3-4 cm across and 4-7 cm long, small campanulate but later more spreading, just a bit fragrant, dark shiny violet-blue in colour. Flowering time from June into September on young shoots. Pruning in March at 10 cm above soil level.
Raised by crossbreeding by J. van Zoest B.V. in 2006, selected from the seedlings in 2009 and introduced at Plantarium 2014 with the tradename BLUE OCEAN which refers to the free flowering of the plant.
Growing, trading and sale as a cut flower is only permitted under a contract. European Plant Breeders Right will be applied for, PBR will be applied for in Japan and USA PP will be applied for. Nomenclatural Standard in NHN Leiden (L).

Clematis LIBERTY ‘Zo08095’PBRaf & PPaf
(Patens Group)
A hardy climber with stems up to 2 m long but shorter when pot grown. Leaves ternate and normal to dark green. Flowers upright, spreading, 10-12 cm across. 8 tepals in spring flowers, summer flowers with 6 tepals. Pale pink-white with delicate red veins and red margin. Stamens red-purple with pale base. Flowers in May and June and sometimes a few flowers in summer. Light pruning after the flowering period. Zone 6.
Raised by crossbreeding by J. van Zoest B.V. in 2004, selected from the seedlings in 2008 and introduced at Plantarium 2014 with the tradename LIBERTY.
Growing, trading and sale as a cut flower is only permitted under a contract. European Plant Breeders Right will be applied for, PBR will be applied for in Japan and USA PP will be applied for. Nomenclatural Standard in NHN Leiden (L).

Clematis MON CHERRY 'Zomonch' PBRaf & PPaf
(Patens Group)
A hardy semi-climber with more or less upright stems up to 2 m tall but shorter when pot grown. Leaf is usually simple but sometimes ternate, heart-shaped and dark green. Upright flowers, spreading, 6 to 10 cm in diameter, beautiful purple-violet with red stripe in the middle. Flower buds remarkable dark red-purple. Flowers from June into September. Pruning in March at 25 cm above soil level. Zone 6.
Raised by J. van Zoest B.V. in 2003 and selected in 2006. Since then propagated and introduced in 2014.
A new introduction that stands out in a beautiful red-purple flower colour, nice flower shape and remarkable flower buds.
Sale as cutflower only under a contract. EU PBR will be applied for, PBR will be applied for in Japan and USA PP will be applied for. Nomenclatural Standard in NHN Leiden (L).

Clematis ROSALYN 'Zo09087'PBRaf & PPaf
(Viticella Group)
A hardy climber with stems up to 2 m long. Leaf pinnate and pale green. Flower more or less upright to a bit nodding, 4 cm across, spreading and double red-purple.
Flowering time from June into September. Pruning in March at 25 cm above soil level. Zone 5.
Raised by crossbreeding by J. van Zoest B.V. in 2006, selected from the seedlings in 2009 and introduced at Plantarium 2014 with the tradename ROSALYN.
Growing, trading and sale as a cut flower is only permitted under a contract. European Plant Breeders Right will be applied for, PBR will be applied for in Japan and USA PP will be applied for. Nomenclatural Standard in NHN Leiden (L).

Fotoalbum: nieuwe introducties 2014 |
IMPORTANT: The Clematis cultivars shown on this website are in commercial production by J. van Zoest B.V. The names, pictures and descriptions of the cultivars are listed solely for the purpose of information. The pictures are subject of copyrights, owned by J. van Zoest B.V. The cultivars introduced by J. van Zoest B.V. are protected by Plant Breeders Right or Plant Patent or applications are filed for this protection. Without the explicit permission of the holder (J. van Zoest Beheer B.V.) it is not allowed to propagated and/or multiplicate these cultivars and/or to trade as cutflower.