Nederlands Engels
New introductions 2015

Clematis ESTHER ’Zo09143’PBRaf & PPaf 
(Patens Group)
A hardy climber with stems up to 2 m long for a sunny place in the garden. Leaves compound and normal green. Flowers 8-10 cm across, upright and spreading. Tepals 6 to 8, violet-blue. Flowers in May-June and again from July to September. Pruning in June at 75 cm above soil level, after the first flowering period. Zone 6.
Raised by Clematis nursery J. van Zoest B.V., Boskoop, The Netherlands by delibarate hand crossbreeding in 2007. Selected in 2009 and since then propagated. Introduced by us in 2015.
This plant was selected for its very free flowering habit and beautiful flower colours as the colour changes a bit during flowering.
Growing, trading and sale as a cut flower is only permitted under a contract.
European Plant Breeders Right will be applied for, Japanse Plant Breeders Right will be applied for and USA Plant Patent will be applied for.

Clematis ESTHER
Clematis ESTHER
picture above Clematis ESTHER

Clematis FREEDOM ’Zo06128’PBRaf & PPaf 
(Patens Group)
A hardy climber with stems up to 2 m long for a sunny place in the garden. Leaves compound and normal green. Flowers 10-14 cm across, upright and spreading. Spring flowers with 8 tepals, summer flowers with 6 tepals, red at the edge to almost white in the middle. Flowers in May-June and again from July to September. Pruning in June at 75 cm above soil level, after the first flowering period. Zone 6.
Raised by Clematis nursery J. van Zoest B.V., Boskoop, The Netherlands by delibarate hand crossbreeding in 2005. Selected in 2006 and since then propagated. Introduced by us in 2015.
This plant was selected for its unique flower colour.
Growing, trading and sale as a cut flower is only permitted under a contract.
European Plant Breeders Right will be applied for, Japanse Plant Breeders Right will be applied for and USA Plant Patent will be applied for.

Clematis FREEDOM
Clematis FREEDOM
picture above Clematis FREEDOM

Clematis HUDSON RIVER®™ ’Zo06137’ PBRaf & PPaf
(Diversifolia Group)
A hardy semi-climber with stems 1.5-2 m long for a sunny place in the garden or as a pot plant on the terrace. Leaf is simple or ternate and dark green. Flowers 6-9 cm across, star-shaped, just a bit nodding and almost spreading. 4 to 6 tepals, violet, at opening with a purple tint. Stamens white with violet at the base, yellow anthers. Flowering time from June into September. Pruning at 10 cm above soil level in March. Zone 5.
Raised by Clematis nursery J. van Zoest B.V., Boskoop, The Netherlands by delibarate hand crossbreeding in 2004. Selected in 2006 and since then propagated. Introduced by us in 2015.
The special plant is selected for is very free flowering habit and beautiful violet flower colour, flowering over a long period and very easy in the garden to grow.
The name is a registered trademark, holder is J. van Zoest B.V.
Growing, trading and sale as a cut flower is only permitted under a contract.
European Plant Breeders Right applied for no 20140439, Japanse Plant Breeders Right will be applied for and USA Plant Patent applied for no 13/999,198.

picture above Clematis HUDSON RIVER

Clematis LUCKY CHARM ’Zo09067’PBRaf & PPaf 
(Jackmanii Group)
A hardy climber with stems up to 3 m long for a sunny place in the garden. Leaves compound and normal green. Flowers 6-8 cm across, more or less upright, spreading. Tepals usually 6, rarely 5 or 4, violet at the edge to white in the middle. Flowers from late June into early September. Pruning in March at 25 cm above soil level. Zone 5.
Raised by Clematis nursery J. van Zoest B.V., Boskoop, The Netherlands by delibarate hand crossbreeding in 2007. Selected in 2009 and since then propagated. Introduced by us in 2015.
This plant was selected for its very free flowering habit and beautiful and unique flower colour, flowering over a long period and very easy in the garden to grow.
Growing, trading and sale as a cut flower is only permitted under a contract.
European Plant Breeders Right will be applied for, Japanse Plant Breeders Right will be applied for and USA Plant Patent will be applied for.

picture above Clematis LUCKY CHARM

Clematis PICOTEE ’Zo09124’PBRaf & PPaf 
(Patens Group)
A hardy climber with stems up to 2 m long for a sunny place in the garden. Leaves compound and normal green. Flowers 10-14 cm across, upright and spreading. Spring flowers with 8 tepals, summer flowers with 6 tepals, red at the edge to almost white in the middle. Flowers in May-June and again from July to September. Pruning in June at 75 cm above soil level, after the first flowering period. Zone 6.
Raised by Clematis nursery J. van Zoest B.V., Boskoop, The Netherlands by delibarate hand crossbreeding in 2007. Selected in 2009 and since then propagated. Introduced by us in 2015.
This plant was selected for its unique flower colour.
Growing, trading and sale as a cut flower is only permitted under a contract.
European Plant Breeders Right will be applied for, Japanse Plant Breeders Right will be applied for and USA Plant Patent will be applied for.

Clematis PICOTEE
Clematis PICOTEE
picture above Clematis PICOTEE

Clematis SPRING JOY ’Zo12053’PBRaf & PPaf
(Montana Group)
A hardy climber for a sunny place in the garden. The plant grows to about 4 m high. Leaf ternate and green coloured. Flowers are white, upright, 4-6 cm across, single with 4, sometimes 5 tepals and fragrant. Flowering time May, slightly later then most of the Montana Group cultivars. Pruning only when necessary and then after flowering. Hardy to Zone 7 (-15°C).
A saleble 2 liter potplant will flower abundantly on the bamboo cane, compared with the other white montana cultivars that do not flower. A chance seedling discovered at the nursery J. van Zoest B.V., introduced in 2015.
EU PBR applied for no 2015/0880 and USA PP applied for.

picture above Clematis SPRING JOY

Clematis SUPER NOVA ’Zo09088’PBRaf & PPaf 
(Viticella Group)
A hardy climber with stems up to 3 m long for a sunny place in the garden. Leaves compound and normal green. Flowers 5-8 cm across, upright and spreading. Tepals usually 6 and dark violet at the edge to almost white in the middle and beautiful veined. Flowers from late June into early September. Pruning in March at 25 cm above soil level. Zone 6.
Raised by Clematis nursery J. van Zoest B.V., Boskoop, The Netherlands by delibarate hand crossbreeding in 2007. Selected in 2009 and since then propagated. Introduced by us in 2015.
This plant was selected for its very free flowering habit and beautiful and unique flower colour, flowering over a long period and very easy in the garden to grow. The name has been chosen as counterpart for Clematis ASTRA NOVA.
Growing, trading and sale as a cut flower is only permitted under a contract.
European Plant Breeders Right will be applied for, Japanse Plant Breeders Right will be applied for and USA Plant Patent will be applied for.

picture above Clematis SUPER NOVA

IMPORTANT: The Clematis cultivars shown on this website are in commercial production by J. van Zoest B.V. The names, pictures and descriptions of the cultivars are listed solely for the purpose of information. The pictures are subject of copyrights, owned by J. van Zoest B.V. The cultivars introduced by J. van Zoest B.V. are protected by Plant Breeders Right or Plant Patent or applications are filed for this protection. Without the explicit permission of the holder (J. van Zoest Beheer B.V.) it is not allowed to propagated and/or multiplicate these cultivars and/or to trade as cutflower.